quinta-feira, agosto 06, 2009

Sei quem sou.
Só não sei o Porquê,
Nem para onde vou.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Saberes quem és, é um começo sem dùvida. Porquê? Não faças perguntas que apenas trazem ainda mais perguntas e dùvidas, procura respostas, procura-te!

Para onde vais depende unica e exclusivamente de ti, supondo claro, que realmente existe um sitio, um lugar para todos nós.

Se existir, vais senti-lo assim que lá chegares.

Esta assim como outras coisas, não me larga ultimamente.

I wanted to find somewhere to hide
and I opened up and let those fears inside
and I wanted to be anyone else
only to find that there was no one there but me

but I woke up to the real life
and I realized It's not worth running from anymore
when there was nowhere left to hide I found out
that nothings real here but I won't stop now until I find a better part of me

I let those hard days get me down
and all the things I hate got in my way
I could've screamed without a sound
I found myself silenced by those things they say

but I woke up to the real life
and I realized It's not worth running from anymore
when there was nowhere left to hide I found out
that nothings real here but I won't stop now until I find a better part of me thats out there somewhere
and It cant be that far away
thats where I'll find myself
and I'll find my way out
that's where I'll find out

but I woke up to the real life
and I realized It's not worth running from anymore
when there was nowhere left to hide I found out
that nothings real here but I won't stop now until I find a better part of me.

3 doors down
Real Life


10:39 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

só demorei cerca de 15 minutos a escrever isto com teclado francês! :p

10:40 da manhã  

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